What’s on Your Plate?
Nutrition for Body and Soul
Cara Graver, certified Holistic Health (Life) Coach
There are a variety of ways in which I can support you on your journey, through Holistic Life Coaching. I work from a framework of Primary and Secondary Nutrition. Primary Nutrition is how I refer to the things that connect us to our life: our relationships, work, creative and spiritual practices, movement etc. Secondary Nutrition refers to the foods we eat. An imbalance in one can lead to trouble with the other, going in either direction. In a world where change is becoming ever more rapid and technology allows us access to an infinite stream of new information, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm are common and sometimes debilitating responses. The tools that I offer for exploring our sources of Nourishment can become an empowering strategy for returning us to our sense of connection, building our sense of well being, and strengthening our resilience.
Tools That Support Primary Nutrition:
Skills for Navigating Trying Times and Strengthening Relationships
NVC (Nonviolent Communication)
There are more loving, effective and empowered ways to communicate with ourselves and the people around us, while at the same time actually getting our own needs met. We may have had no consistant model for these interactions, but we know one thing, we are not as happy as we’d like to be. 97% of our self-talk is negative and when feelings arise from this foundation we are usually drawing from a vocabulary of blame, demand and manipulation. Looking for someone or something to blame or when we are dissatisfied, we look to the other person to make changes. It’s no one’s fault, its just the result of our experience in life that was based on the prevailing style of communicating for decades. With the many changes we are experiencing in the world, a desire to find another way has come to our attention.
Now more than ever our human responses reveal that at the root of many of our challenges lies a disconnection from our true selves and from other human beings. Each of us is faced with feelings and needs that long to be empowering to our process, but initially can seem to be the problem.
Based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg, NVC can be seen as both a spiritual practice and a concrete set of skills which help us create life-serving families and communities. In an individual session, you will acquire clear, simple tools for turning around challenging situations, reclaiming your power to get your needs met, improving relationships with yourself and even the most difficult of others.
Group Presentations and Workshops available:
For an Introductory NVC Presentation at The Cob: Compassionate Communication
(as written in and article in the Mental Health section of the Pottstown Mercury and other neighboring newspapers -Friday November 30, 2024)
Schedule your own group
Bring at least 3 other people
Sundays in February 2025
$25 donation per
Refreshments included
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
A tapping protocol based on Chinese Acupuncture meridians, this is a tool to use on your own for relief of pain, injury, illness, anxiety, depression, and a host of other every day experiences. EFT is safe and effective for use with children and people of all ages, even those who are not present (with permission). I recommend at least three sessions to get the hang of how issues can be connected and how to identify key aspects to get to the root of the problem.
Certified Hypnotherapy can be useful for habit control, healing, stress relief, trauma repair and accessing greater clarity of purpose.
Think of Hypnosis as deep relaxation. It is a gentle process of getting the noise out of the way, clearing the path of rocks and boulders, or freeing the garden of weeds and pests. You can replace unwanted features of your landscape with the positive elements of your choice, the shifts you really want to make.
Call or text (610) 761-3278 or email carabgraver@aol.com for more information or to schedule.
Is there something specific you’d like to work on but aren’t sure what would serve you best as you look over the listings here? Send me a brief description of the situation that keeps trying to get your attention and we’ll come up with a do-able plan together, that works for you.
Hourly Rate for individual sessions $80
If this rate is prohibitive for you for any reason please contact me.
- The Institute For Integrative Nutrition (NYC 2005), in partnership with Teachers College of Columbia University
- Relational Psychology through the Association for Anthroroposphic Psychology (AAP) 2015-2017.
- Nonviolent (Compassionate) Communication (NVC)
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- Therapeutic Hypnosis